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mom looking over daugher's shoulder as she does her homework

The goal of the S.A.I.L Project is to reach individuals who might not call the crisis hotline or visit a shelter, but still need help dealing with the effects of domestic violence in their relationship.

S.A.I.L Specialists Will Work with Survivors to:

  • Address the underlying problem of domestic violence.
  • Obtain employment and independence from public assistance.
  • Develop safety plans to reduce the danger.
  • Find resources to be safe at work and home.
  • Connect survivors with services at local shelters.

Domestic Violence Survivors Often:

  • Encounter serious safety risks from the abuser when participating in welfare-to-work programs.
  • Experience difficulty getting, succeeding at and keeping jobs.
  • Struggle to maintain financial independence.

Domestic Violence Perpetrators Often:

  • Sabotage survivor’s employment status by harassing them on the job, destroying the tools or clothing needed for work, denying them help with child care or taking away their transportation.
  • Cause physical injuries and/or psychological abuse that make it difficult to work.


The tower and flag pole of the Montgomery State Capitol

The ACADV advocates on behalf of victims of domestic violence through the development of strengthened legal protections, the promotion of public policies and the pursuit of additional funding for programs that respond to the ever increasing need for service and safety for battered women and their children.

Domestic Violence is a Crime:

In July 2000, Alabama became the 26th state to pass legislation that specifically named domestic violence as a separate crime category in the criminal code. The 2000 law (Act 00-266) stiffened the penalty for this crime, defined misdemeanor and felony domestic violence crimes, created mandatory minimum sentences for those arrested repeatedly and required police officers to look for indications of a primary aggressor in assessing domestic violence complaints.

Domestic Violence Offenses:

As defined in the 2000 law, the crime of domestic violence involves a victim and a perpetrator with one of the following relationships: The victim is a current or former spouse, parent, child, any person with whom the defendant has a child in common, a present or former household member, or a person who has or had a dating or engagement relationship with the defendant. (§13A-6-130)


Domestic abuse survivors holding hands over coffee

Abusers can enter voluntarily or be court ordered to Perpetrator Intervention Programs. It is important to note that there are no guarantees that he will change his violent behavior. He is the only one who can make the decision – and commitment – to change.

Program Requirements:

  • Makes the victim’s safety the priority.
  • Meets minimum standards for weekly sessions (16 weeks).
  • Holds him accountable.
  • Has a curriculum that addresses the root of his problem.
  • Makes no demand on the victim to participate.
  • Is open to input from the victim.
  • Provides information to ACADV victim programs and the referring court.

What Programs Teach:

  • Education about domestic violence.
  • Changing attitudes and beliefs about using violence in a relationship.
  • Achieving equality in relationships.
  • Community participation.

Training and Technical Assistance

Programs 1

ACADV offers free access to training that can be tailored to the specific needs of an agency focused on a variety of topics. The Training program has been found to increase the knowledge base and improve best practices for agencies responding to the needs of survivors of domestic violence and offender accountability.

Training Available:

  • Mental Health and Domestic Violence
  • Economic Abuse
  • Domestic Violence Causes and Impact
  • Trauma-Informed Services
  • Law Enforcement Response to DV
  • Stalking and Strangulation
  • Officer Liability
  • Officer Related Incidence
  • Board Governance
  • Workplace Violence
  • Coordinated Community Response

Technical Assistance:

  • Development of policies and procedures
  • Development of training programs
  • Board Support
  • Development of Coordinated Community Response Team

Please email [email protected] to request training or technical assistance.